For the Website Builder and MyWebsite

We have also optimized your MyWebsite for display on mobile devices. This makes your page easy to read on mobile devices.

This article describes a function of the editor that was ordered before 09/06/2017.
Please select your editor version.

This is made possible by a so-called Responsive Design. Responsive design means that the layout template is automatically adapted to any screen size and any device. All currently selectable MyWebsite layouts offer this possibility.

Even older templates that do not yet have a Responsive Design are displayed in an adapted form on mobile devices. In this case, the mobile page is displayed in a slightly customized design, depending on the template you are using. For example, the background may appear slightly lighter or darker.

Please note: For technical reasons, you cannot adjust the color of this automatic display in older layouts. If you want a different look that you can completely customize, change your layout to one of our many new templates.

Configuring Mobile View
Step 1
Step 2
  • On the main menu, click Settings.

Step 3
  • Under Password Protection and Set Visibility, click Mobile Website.

Step 4
  • Select whether your website should generally be displayed in an optimized version for mobile devices.
  • Certain elements are hidden in the mobile view. This makes the page clearer and easier to read. However, it is possible that content that is important to you will not be displayed to your visitors. If necessary, test this using the preview.
  • Your website will always be displayed in the normal view, regardless of the device, just as you see on a computer screen.

Tip: Get a preview of your mobile MyWebsite during editing. To do this, simply click the smartphone icon at the top left of the screen in edit mode.