For Cloud Servers, Dedicated Servers und Server Power Deals managed in the Cloud Panel.

If you delete a server, all data and backups are irrevocably deleted.


The Delete button described in the instructions below is deactivated for Virtual Private Servers (VPS). To delete a Virtual Private Server (VPS), you have to Cancel Your Virtual Private Server (VPS) Contract.

  • Log in to your IONOS account.
  • Click Menu > Server & Cloud in the title bar.
    Optional: Select the desired Server & Cloud contract.

    The Cloud Panel opens.

  • Click on the desired server in the Infrastructure > Server area.

  • Click on Actions > Delete.

    A security warning is displayed.

  • Confirm the security warning and click Yes.

The deletion process starts. This takes a few minutes.

As soon as the server has been deleted completely, it no longer appears in the server list.