Installing a LAMP stack on a server (AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9)
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For Cloud Servers, migrated Cloud Servers, VPS, Dedicated Servers and Server Power Deals managed in Cloud Panel
This article explains how to install a LAMP stack on a Cloud Server, a migrated Cloud Server, a VPS or a Dedicated Server with AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9.
A LAMP stack consists of the Linux operating system and the software applications Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP. These are installed together to host dynamic websites and web applications on a server. How to install a LAMP stack:
Before installing the LAMP stack, you have ensured that your server has sufficient hardware capacity.
Install Apache
Proceed as follows to install Apache:
To check if an update is available, enter the command below:
yum update
To install Apache, enter the following command:
yum install httpd
The following message is displayed:
Total download size: 2.3 M
Installed size: 6.5 M
Is this ok [y/N]:Enter [y] and press [Enter].
Apache will be installed.
To start Apache, enter the command below:
systemctl start httpd.service
To check whether Apache has been successfully installed and started, enter the following command.
systemctl status httpd
- To exit the status display, press the [q] key.
To generate a test page, enter the following command:
echo "Welcome to this site!" > /var/www/html/index.html
To check whether Apache has been successfully installed and started, enter the public IP address of your server in the following format in your web browser.
If a test page is displayed, Apache has been installed successfully.
To ensure that Apache is also restarted automatically when the server is restarted, enter the following command:
systemctl enable httpd.service
Install MariaDB
To install MariaDB, enter the following command:
yum install mariadb-server mariadb
The following message is displayed:
Total download size: 26 M
Installed size: 135 M
Is this ok [y/N]:Enter [y] and press [Enter].
MariaDB will be installed.To start MariaDB, enter the following command:
systemctl start mariadb
To run a security script that removes some dangerous default settings and restricts access to the database system, enter the following command:
After entering the command, you will be asked for a password. As you have not yet defined a password for MariaDB, you can skip this point. To do this, press Enter. the following message will then be displayed:
Setting the root password or using the unix_socket ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation.
You already have your root account protected, so you can safely answer 'n'.
Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n]Enter [n] and press [Enter]. The following error message is then displayed:
Change the root password? [Y/n]
- Enter [y] and press [Enter].
Enter a new root password, repeat it and then press [Enter]. The following message is displayed:
By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for them. this is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment.
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]To remove anonymous users, enter [y] and press [Enter]. The following message is then displayed:
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]
Enter [y] and press [Enter]. The following message is then displayed:
Remove test database and access to it?
Enter [y] and press [Enter]. The following message is displayed:
Reload privilege tables now?
- To reload the authorisation tables, enter [y]. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
To enable MariaDB at boot time, enter the following command:
systemctl enable mariadb.service
Install PHP
To install the PHP scripting language, proceed as follows:
To install the PHP, the MySQL driver, the POD_MySQL driver, the GD library and the PHP module for multibyte strings, enter the following command:
yum install php php-mysqlnd php-pdo php-gd php-mbstring
The following message is displayed:
Total download size: 9.3 M
Installed size: 44 M
Is this ok [y/N]:- To continue the installation, enter [y]. Then press [Enter].
To restart the Apache web server, enter the following command:
systemctl restart httpd.service
Install PHP modules
- To extend the functionality of PHP, you can install additional modules.
To display the available options for PHP modules and libraries, enter the following command:
yum search php-
To get detailed information about a PHP module, enter the command below:
yum info package_name
yum info php-embedded.x86_64
To install the desired PHP modules, enter the following command:
yum install package1 package2
yum install php-cli.x86_64 php-devel.x86_64 php
- To continue with the installation, enter [y]. Then press [Enter].
Test PHP
To test whether PHP has been installed correctly, create a script with the editor. This must be saved in the /var/www/html directory.
To create the script in the /var/www/html directory, enter the following command:
vi /var/www/html/info.php
The vi editor opens.
- The vi editor has an insert mode and a command mode. You can call up insert mode with the [i] key. In this mode, the characters entered are immediately inserted into the text. To call up command mode, press the ESC key. If you use command mode, your keyboard input is interpreted as a command.
- vi cannot be terminated in insert mode. Therefore, always enter command mode to exit vi.
Press [i] and enter the following PHP code:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
- To enter command mode, press [ESC]. Then enter the command :wq to save the text and close the editor.
To test whether the contents of the PHP script are displayed, call up the corresponding URL in the following format in your web browser:
To remove the displayed page again, enter the following command:
rm /var/www/html/info.php
The following message is displayed:rm: remove regular file '/var/www/html/info.php'?
- Enter y and press [Enter].