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For Web Hosting Linux packages with shell (SSH) access and Managed Dedicated Server
You may have already experienced this: You want your php.ini settings to apply to several directories at the same time. However, since the php.ini file is only ever effective in the directory in which it is located, it must be copied manually into each individual directory. This can be very time-consuming and must be repeated for each change.
In the following we will show you how to link your php.ini file to all subdirectories using a shell command ( more precisely: you create symlinks). Further changes to the original php.ini will automatically affect the subdirectories. That's the way:
Step 1
Connect to your webspace via SSH.
Step 2
Go to the directory where the php.ini file is located. Type the command cd (change directory) in conjunction with the directory name and press the ENTER button.
cd meinehomepage
step 3
Enter the following command and press the ENTER button to create the symlinks:
find -type d -exec ln -s $PWD/php.ini {}/php.ini \;
Please note: Since a php.ini file already exists in the current directory and therefore no symlink can be generated, you receive the message "ln: creating symbolic link `./php.ini': File exists". You can ignore this message.
For further changes it is sufficient to make these in the original php.ini, as it now automatically affects the subdirectories. You do not need another symlink for this.