Connect to MSSQL Database Using VB.NET or C#
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Here you will find two code examples that show you how to connect to an MSSQL database with VB.NET or C#.
You will find the database connection details in IONOS by selecting Hosting, then Manage from the MSSQL Databases section.
The example shows the use of the connection object in ADO:
Set ConnHandle = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnHandle.Open "driver={SQL Server};;
Note: Replace the sample data for server, uid, pwd and database with those of your database.
For more information about using the connection object, see the Microsoft Developer Network (msdn): How Do I Use the Connection Object in ADO?
In this example, a DSN Less connection is established via the SqlConnection object:
SqlConnection makeSQLConn = new SqlConnection("Persist Security Info=False;;
Initial Catalog=db12345678; User ID=dbo12345678;
For more information about using the SqlConnection class, see the Microsoft Developer Network (msdn): SqlConnection Class