With HiDrive Office, you can open and edit Office documents, such as DOCX, PPTX or XLSX, right in your browser. You don't even need an Office program installed on your end device. The editing is done completely online. This article provides you with an overview of HiDrive Office.

  Supported file types
Document doc, docm, docx, odt, rtf
Spreadsheet csv, ods, xls, xlsm, xlsx
Presentation odp, ppt, pptx
  • You have a HiDrive Pro package or the HiDrive Office add-on for another HiDrive package

Editing Office Documents

To edit Office documents, upload them to your HiDrive. Click on the file to start the editing mode of the assigned application.

Creating New Documents, Spreadsheets, or Presentations

To create a new document, spreadsheet, or presentation:

  • Open the HiDrive web application in your browser.
  • In HiDrive, click the More button in the upper-right corner. A menu opens.
  • Select the desired new Office file.
  • Assign a name for your new document. The corresponding application opens.

Please note that this function is currently not available in the HiDrive apps for Android or iOS. It is possible to create new Office files with a mobile device or tablet if you open HiDrive through a browser installed on the device.

Editing as Teams

To share an Office document with others, place it in a shared HiDrive folder. This makes the file available for anyone with an appropriate sharing permission to edit. A regular HiDrive share simply sends a link to download the document.

Files can be edited simultaneously with others without any problems. A corresponding note about other users will be displayed in the document while editing.