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This article explains how to set up Microsoft Exchange 2019 in Microsoft Outlook 2024. If you use Microsoft Exchange 2019, the Microsoft Exchange 2019 account is automatically recognized and setup in Outlook 2024. At the end of this article, you will also find solutions for any problems that may occur.
You have an Microsoft Exchange 2019 account.
You have created an email address in your Microsoft Exchange 2019 account.
You have downloaded Microsoft Outlook 2024 and installed it on your computer.
An autodiscover entry has been created in the DNS settings of your domain
Select which step-by-step guide you would like to follow:
- or-
- I have already set up a profile in Microsoft Outlook 2024 and would now like to use Microsoft Exchange 2019 in addition.
Initial setup of Microsoft Outlook
Open Outlook 2024 by clicking on Outlook (Classic) in the Start menu.

When you open Outlook 2024 for the first time after successful installation, the Select profile window is displayed. Confirm the automatically set up profile with OK.

If you have already created a profile for a Microsoft Exchange account and want to use an additional Microsoft Exchange account, you must create a new profile for this additional account.
To create a new profile, open the Control Panel. Click on Small icons in the top right of the Display menu. Then select Email (Microsoft Outlook) or Mail.
Read the license conditions. To accept them, click Agree.
The Microsoft Office Activation Wizard opens. It prompts you to activate this copy of Microsoft Office.Click Next.

Click on Close.
Enter the email address of your new Microsoft Exchange 2019 account.
Click on Advanced options.
Click on the option I would like to set up my account manually.
Click on Connect.

Select the Exchange account type.

Your computer will now establish a connection to the Exchange servers. This may take a few minutes.
You will be asked to authorize Autodiscover to set up Outlook on your behalf. Activate the Do not ask me about this website in future option and click Allow.

In the next step, enter your password.
Optional: To save the password permanently, activate the option Save login data.
Click OK.
The Exchange account settings window opens.Click on Next.

Click on Process completed.

Set up an additional Microsoft Exchange 2019 account
The following explains how to set up a Microsoft Exchange account in Microsoft Outlook 2024, in addition to an existing POP3 or IMAP account.
If you have already created a profile for a Microsoft Exchange account in Microsoft Outlook 2024 and want to use an additional Microsoft Exchange account, you must create a new profile for this additional account.
To create a new profile, open the Control Panel. Click on Small icons in the top right of the Display menu. Then select Email (Microsoft Outlook) or Mail.
How to set up a Microsoft Exchange account in Outlook 2024, in addition to an existing POP3 or IMAP account:
Open Outlook 2024.
Click on File > Information > + Add account.

Enter the email address of your new Microsoft Exchange 2019 account.
Click on Advanced options.
Click on the option I would like to configure my account manually.
Click on Connect.

Select the Exchange account type.

Your computer will now establish a connection to the Microsoft Exchange servers. This may take a few minutes.
The following message will be displayed:
By adding a new Microsoft Exchange account, you have changed the location for some of your new email messages and calendar information.
Click OK.
You will be asked to authorize Autodiscover to set up Microsoft Outlook on your behalf. Activate the option Do not ask for this website again in the future.
Click on Allow.
Enter your password and click OK.
Optional: To save the password permanently, activate the Save login data option.
Click OK.
The Account setup complete window is displayed.Click on OK.
Done! Your Microsoft Exchange account is now set up and ready for use.
Help in case of issues
Some solutions for issues that may occur during setup are listed below.
The automatic setup of the Microsoft Exchange 2019 account fails
If the setup of Microsoft Exchange 2019 in Outlook 2024 fails, check whether an autodiscover entry has been created in the DNS settings of your domain. If necessary, create an autodiscover entry if no autodiscover entry exists for your domain.
You can find more information here:
Check your domain's autodiscover settings
Despite a correct Autodiscover entry, the Microsoft Exchange 2019 account cannot be set up automatically
If you reorder the domain or change the DNS settings, it may take some time for the DNS settings to be updated.