When a domain is connected to MyWebsite, it cannot simultaneously be used in another way. In order to reassign the domain to something else, the existing connection must be removed first.

This article will show you the necessary steps.


Currently, a connection between a domain and a IONOS Managed Application – such as MyWebsite – cannot be automatically removed by reassigning the domain elsewhere. Buttons in IONOS that let you modify the domain destination are disabled in this circumstance.

In the next section, we explain how to disconnect a domain from MyWebsite.

Disconnecting the Application

You can remove the connection between a domain and MyWebsite on the Manage website and Edit Your IONOS Website page. Next to Domain (Internet address), select the Disconnect domain option.

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Additionally, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process.

    Check the Results

    After successfully disconnecting the domain, you will see a message on the Manage Your MyWebsite page next to Domain (Internet Address) that says No domain connected.

    At this point, you are free to reassign the domain however you would like.