Pip is a package management system for Python. We recommend the use of Pip, as it is the officially recognized tool for installing Python packages, according to the official Python Software Foundation. Learn how to install and use Pip on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7 Cloud Servers.
A Cloud Server with Ubuntu 16.04 or CentOS 7, and Python installed.
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Python is installed and running on a Standard Linux installation by default. If your server was created with a Minimal installation, you will need to install and configure Python before you proceed.
Install Pip on CentOS 7
Update the package list:
sudo yum update
Install the EPEL repository:
sudo yum install epel-release
Install Pip:
sudo yum install python-pip
Then install the wheel package:
sudo yum install python-wheel
Using Pip
Use install to use Pip to install a Python package:
pip install example-package
Use upgrade to upgrade an installed Python package:
pip upgrade example-package
Use uninstall to remove an installed Python package:
pip uninstall example-package
Use show to get information about an installed Python package, including its location and included files:
pip show example-package
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