How to update your PHP version and cancel PHP Extended SupportESB ProfessionalShutterstock

How to update your PHP version and cancel PHP Extended Support

PHP has long been a popular tool for web development. In order to meet the evolving needs of developers, the scripting language is regularly updated and new versions are released in the form of major and minor releases. We will show you how to update your PHP version and what PHP…

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How to connect MariaDB with Python

How to connect MariaDB with Python

The Connector/Python module is a practical way to connect to MariaDB databases, execute queries and manage results. Many web apps use MariaDB as a backend database. You can also connect Python web frameworks like Flask or Django with MariaDB. In this tutorial, we explain step by…

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What are recurrent neural networks?sakkmesterkeshutterstock

What are recurrent neural networks?

In recurrent neural networks, neurons can provide feedback to other neurons in any direction. Results can be used as new input, creating a kind of memory that the network has access to. In this dedicated article, we explain what recurrent neural networks are, how they’re designed…

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What is text mining and how is it used?rangizzzshutterstock

What is text mining and how is it used?

The more complex data sets are, the more difficult it is to extract important information from them. Text mining facilitates the analysis of large data sets and unstructured text data in order to identify keywords, patterns, focal points or meaning structures and make them…

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What is embodied AI?PeshkovaShutterstock

What is embodied AI?

Robots are becoming increasingly intelligent, and their applications are becoming more diverse and complex. Developments in robotics are experiencing a significant boost in innovation through the integration of artificial intelligence. Embodied AI is already being utilized in…

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How to install Yarn

How to install Yarn

The package manager Yarn enables you to use and send code even better. We explain how to install Yarn and set it up. We also show you some of the most important commands for getting started with it, as well as a few alternative solutions.

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How does a generative adversarial network work?Ranjit Karmakarshutterstock

How does a generative adversarial network work?

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have the capability to generate highly realistic synthetic data, such as images, text, and even music, with the potential for enhanced results through additional training. We delve into how GANs function, their various applications, and the…

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How named entity recognition identifies and categorizes proper namesImageFlowshutterstock

How named entity recognition identifies and categorizes proper names

Named entity recognition (NER) plays a particularly important role in the field of machine learning. This discipline is used to find named entities in texts, mark them and catalog them according to certain parameters. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how named entity…

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What is human-centered computing?alphaspirit.itshutterstock

What is human-centered computing?

IT systems are now deeply integrated into both our daily lives and workplaces. Human-centered computing (HCC) focuses on designing technology around people, exploring how computer systems can better align with human abilities. This dedicated article explains what HCC entails and…

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