Special websites

How to create a club website

How to create a club website

A club website can support a club in many different ways. It can be used to provide general information about the club, for recruiting members and simply for credibility. A club website can also be used to publicize event dates and report news. This makes a club appealing, not…

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How to create a Membership Site

How to create a Membership Site

It is not uncommon for websites to have a members’ area that contains exclusive content for registered members only in order to attract customers and foster loyalty long-term. Learn how to make a private website that requires a password, how to convert users, and what else you…

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How to create a Handyman Website

How to create a Handyman Website

A tradesman website is the signboard for a handicraft enterprise. With the right tools, a homepage for tradesmen can be created quickly and legally compliant. With a dedicated website for your tradesman business, you can be found quickly and offer potential customers a quick…

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How to create a Resume Website

How to create a Resume Website

It can be tough to stand out from the crowd when searching for jobs. But you can improve your chances by creating a resume website. A resume or CV website is a unique and useful way to show your motivation, CV, personality, and skills. Find out how to make a resume website and…

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How to create a Medical WebsiteBillion PhotosShutterstock

How to create a Medical Website

Nowadays, a medical website is more than just an online business card. It can provide up-to-date information about waiting times and how to book appointments. You can sign up to get notifications or information about prescriptions. Some medical websites offer the option to have a…

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How to Create an FAQ Page

How to Create an FAQ Page

How do I know whether this size will fit? How can I return an item? And what payment options are available? Customers will always have similar questions when it comes to online purchases. It’s a good idea for companies to answer these common questions on their FAQ page. Find out…

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How to create a Dentist WebsiteBillion PhotosShutterstock

How to create a Dentist Website

A dental office website is a digital business card. When you’re using the right tools, it’s simple enough to create your own dentist website, which means that patients can easily find you online and gain an overview of your clinic’s services and offers. A dental clinic website is…

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How to create a Hair Salon Website

How to create a Hair Salon Website

Few businesses get away without an online presence nowadays. This also applies to hairdressers, irrespective of whether you’re a mobile one-person team or manage a larger salon. We’ll show you how to quickly, easily and affordably create a professional hair salon website and what…

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How to create an Accountant Website

How to create an Accountant Website

Having your own website is a must for accountants. Potential clients can read about your services and find all the information they need to get in contact with you. And if you’re willing to invest some effort into search engine optimization, your accountant website can even help…

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How to create a Coaching Website

How to create a Coaching Website

In the digital age, lifelong learning is one of the most important skills. Employees and the self-employed enlist the services of coaches to further their education and develop new skills. If you are a coach, you should create your own coaching website. Our article explains how…

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