PhpMyAdmin is a convenient way to manage MySQL/MariaDB for those who prefer a browser-based interface over the traditional command-line interface. Learn how to install and use phpMyAdmin on a Cloud Server with Linux (CentOS 7).
A Cloud Server with Linux.
MySQL/MariaDB installed and running.
PHP installed and running.
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PHP and MySQL/MariaDB are installed and running on a Standard Linux installation by default. If your server was created with a Minimal installation, you will need to install and configure PHP and MySQL/MariaDB before you proceed.
To install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7, first install the EPEL repository:
sudo yum install epel-release
Then install phpMyAdmin with the command:
sudo yum install phpmyadmin
Next, you will need to edit the configuration file to allow access from your desktop computer. To find your IP address, you can simply search Google for "What's my IP address."
Open the configuration file for editing:
sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
Change the lines which read:
Require ip
Allow from
These lines are repeated, so you will need to change four lines in total.
Change the IP address to your IP address:
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