Discord has established itself as an alternative to Skype, WhatsApp, and other chat programs, especially among gamers. Creating a Discord account can be done free of charge via the desktop browser or via an app.
Quick guide: Discord signup with desktop
On the Discord website, click on “Login” (top right).
Click on “Register” below the sign in button.
Enter your email address, a username, a password, and your date of birth. Accept the terms of use and click on “Continue.”
Confirm that you are not a robot via the captcha.
You will be sent an email to verify your data – confirm it by clicking on the link in the mail.
Quick guide: Discord signup via the app
Install the Discord app on your smartphone and open it.
Click the Register button.
Choose between registering by mobile number or email and enter either one. You will then receive a confirmation code via text or a link via email.
Enter the code or click the link.
Enter a username and password and, in the next step, your date of birth, and accept the terms of use.
Complete the Discord registration by clicking “Next.”
Discord signup in the browser: step by step guide
Step 1: Open the website www.discord.com and click on the “Login” button in the top right corner.
Register via the Discord website.
Register via the Discord website.
Step 2: Click on “Register” below the login screen to create a new Discord account.
You can register via a link in the login window.
You can register via a link in the login window.
Step 3: Enter your email address, a username, and a strong password as well as your date of birth and accept the terms of use. After entering all data, click on the “Continue” button.
Enter your data to sign up for Discord.
Enter your data to sign up for Discord.
Step 4: Check the captcha checkbox next to “I am human.”
A captcha ensures that you are not a robot.
A captcha ensures that you are not a robot.
Step 5: You’ll receive an email to verify your details. Click on the “Verify email” button.
Complete the registration via the verification email.
Complete the registration via the verification email.
After registration: Discord login via browser or app
Once you’ve registered for Discord, you can also log in via the Discord website in the browser or via the mobile app. The app is available free of charge for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS. You then have access to all your servers, channels, and chats. If you no longer want to use Discord, you can simply delete your entire Discord account and switch to a Discord alternative, for example.
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