What are the advantages of virtualization?sdecoretShutterstock

What are the advantages of virtualization?

Server virtualization has numerous benefits. Consolidating physical servers in virtual machines allows you to use hardware resources more efficiently, reduce costs and offer more reliable service. That in turn increases scalability, simplifies management and increases the quality…

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How to create and host a Sunkenland dedicated server

How to create and host a Sunkenland dedicated server

Having your own Sunkenland server offers you a number of advantages: You decide what happens in the game and who can take part in the adventure. If you outsource the hosting, you can even run your server around the clock. Here, you’ll learn about the requirements of a Sunkenland…

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Docker vs. virtual machinesTimofeev VladimirShutterstock

Docker vs. virtual machines

Choosing between Docker and virtual machines is a crucial decision in IT infrastructure. Each of the two technologies has its own approach for deploying and isolating applications, meaning that they come with different advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we explain…

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Large data sets can quickly get confusing! Commands like SQL SELECT TOP, LIMIT and ROWNUM allow you to limit query results to a number of your choosing. That makes results easier to read and increases efficiency and performance. In this tutorial, we show you how to use SELECT TOP…

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How to use SQL OR

How to use SQL OR

When working with complex datasets, it’s important to be able to perform efficient, precise searches. One tool that can help with that is the logical operator OR. SQL’s OR returns records that meet at least one of two conditions. In this tutorial, we explain everything you need…

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How to use SQL SELECTREDPIXEL.PLShutterstock

How to use SQL SELECT

When analyzing and processing data, it’s essential to be able to select relevant records. SQL SELECT is the main tool for selecting relevant columns and records in SQL. When combined with other operators and commands, SELECT has a wide variety of potential uses. In this tutorial,…

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How to use SQL SUMPaolo Schorlishutterstock

How to use SQL SUM

Whether you need to calculate total costs, sales, order quantity or any other value, SQL SUM can do a large part of that mathematical work for you! As an aggregate function that adds up all the values in a column, it is an indispensable tool in SQL. In this tutorial, we show you…

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Duplicate rows and values in the results of a query can reduce the quality of your data analyses. You can use SQL SELECT DISTINCT to get clean, precise results. This SQL clause removes duplicate rows and includes only unique values in your results. We explain everything you need…

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What is an AI cloud?PeshkovaShutterstock

What is an AI cloud?

Integrating AI into the cloud offers companies the possibility to store their data and applications in the cloud and process them using AI applications. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what the term “AI cloud” means as well as what opportunities AI in the cloud…

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How to use SQL ORDER BY

How to use SQL ORDER BY

When querying large data sets, it helps to be able to sort your results. Luckily SQL ORDER BY does just that. It enables you to sort results in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns of your choosing. In this article, we explain how SQL ORDER BY works and…

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IONOS Server Guide: professional tips on configuration and administration

Servers are what make up the physical basis of the internet. Setting up your own professional site, putting products online for sale, or connecting multiple company locations with one another: all of these tasks require the support of high-performance computers. And it doesn’t matter if you purchase hardware resources for your own data center or opt for the flexibility of cloud services: operating a server comes with the challenge of independently configuring and administering hardware components. But don’t worry, there’s a lot of support out there for these tasks. In the Server Guide of IONOS’s Digital Guide series, you’ll find regular articles, news, and tutorials on how to operate this indispensable component of today’s IT infrastructure.

Server information for businesses, developers, and tech hobbyists

Packed with practical tips, our guide covers a wide spectrum of topics primarily aimed at mid-sized companies, freelance developers, and tech hobbyists. While some articles, like ‘What is a server?’ or ‘DNS – name resolution online’ cater more to beginners, experts are by no means left hanging; there’s a wide range of detailed texts and tutorials on important tasks like choosing the best operating system, filling security gaps, or getting the best possible performance out of your software and hardware.

What you can expect in the IONOS Server Guide

If you take a look, you’ll notice our guide is divided into four different subcategories, each covering a different topic. The ‘KnowHow’ area sets out to familiarize beginners with the basics of operating a server. Details on different server types and how to use them are also laid out here. Tips and tricks on managing server software is found under the keyword, ‘Configuration’. The category, ‘Security’ is all about dealing with potential problems server operators may encounter from online threats. Conventional methods of attack, like viruses, worms, and Trojans, and what you can do to combat them are explained here. And the category, ‘Tools’, provides useful guidance on what resources can help make administering your server a more manageable task.

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