How to choose a database using SELECT DATABASE in MariaDB

Once you have connected to the open-source database management system, you need to select the database you want to work with in MariaDB. You have two options for this: you can use the USE command in the MySQL command line or the mysql_select_db function in PHP. We will cover both methods.

The command USE in the command line

The syntax of USE is as follows:

USE name_of_database;

You must always use the command in combination with a special database and use this instead of the placeholder “name_of_database”. If you omit this parameter, you will receive an error message (ERROR 1046).

To make it easier for you to understand how this works, we will use a simple example. Let’s imagine that we want to access the “Customers” database. The following steps are necessary:

  1. Log in to your server via the command line:
mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ************
  1. Use the SHOW DATABASES command to get an overview of all available databases on your server:
  1. To select the desired database, use the command USE:
mysql> USE customers;

Now you can work in the database and create a new table with MariaDB CREATE TABLE. If the desired database is not yet listed, create it with the MariaDB command CREATE DATABASE. If a database is no longer required, remove it with the MariaDB command DROP DATABASE.

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The function SELECT DATABASE for MariaDB can also be found in PHP (here: mysqli_select_db). The syntax for establishing the connection is as follows:

$connection = mysqli_connect("server", "username", "password");

To select the database, the subsequent command looks like this:

mysqli_select_db($connection, "customer");

You can find many more articles about the open-source database management system in our Digital Guide. Here, for example, we explain the differences and similarities between MariaDB and MySQL and how to install MariaDB.

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